This recipe is great for finding a use for all of the yellow squash that comes from the garden in the summer. It has an amazing sweet flavor! I got it...
A delicious sweet cakey bread. Note: Most bread machines have a fruit and nut cycle. This should be set at Fruit and Nut Cycle and wait for the beep before...
My mother-in-law was born in Ireland and this is her recipe, which was only shared with the family. My husband would make 20 loaves for St. Patrick's Day...
A not too sweet, super-moist, deep golden brown, dense banana bread with a crispy sugary crust right out of the oven. It is enjoyed at our home hot with...
This is a yummy variation of Amish Friendship Bread. It's one of my family's favorites! It's versatile enough to make muffins, too. Just add 3 tablespoons...
This is my dad's version of scones. It is a dough like cinnamon roll dough and it is fried in hot oil. Very good Sunday treat. Served with honey, jam or...
Learn how to make monkey bread with this irresistible Jalapeño Cheese Monkey Bread. Shredded pepper Jack cheese and pickled jalapeño nacho slices are...
This simple recipe yields a nice, rustic, crusty bread. Measurements are in cups instead of by weight because this is more about the ratio than the exact...
This recipe is a big treat, and I often make it at our lake house when we takes guests there. Use the maximum amount of brown sugar listed and all of the...
My dad made this bread for years to the delight to our family. Pair it with a dish of fruit and a cup of coffee for breakfast. Yum! The flax seed meal...
This a very simple recipe to make and a very flavorful one at that, I do believe that everyone will love it! You may use thawed frozen blueberries if fresh...
Like most people with celiac, I find white bread is one of the foods our gluten-free family misses the most. I created this after much trial and error...
Doubling the pumpkin by adding pumpkin beer puts a little twist on your typical pumpkin bread recipe. Pumpkin beer and chia seed create an incredibly moist...
This recipe requires the 'Black Sesame Seed and Walnut Mix' that I submitted on this website. I make this bread twice a week. It's our all-time family...
This is a delicious sweet bread recipe that I received from a friend years ago. It's a wonderful breakfast option or you can make little loaves to give...
My sister gave me this recipe. It is so decadently rich and wonderful and especially nice toasted and spread with a little salty butter, or even cream...
What I'm sharing here is my version of the hot pandesal we ate for breakfast as kids and even for merienda (snack time), with hot chocolate or warm milk....
Excellent for Christmas gifts, as persimmons are only available for a brief time. Moist spice cake type bread. This is the top seller at our company bake...